I Am Shopping Again!!
I went with my husband today in Neumarkt. He have to bring back work clothes to his employer near this city. After that we proceeded to Neumarkt to go a bit shopping. But shopping for me means really buying any stuffs especially if it is on sale. We also go there to watch the small Christmas market. As we went walking in the city we passed by a shop that sells different kinds of shoes. I found a very nice winter boots. I tried to fit it but unluckily, it was so big for me. I simply love the style and material since it is also made of leather. I tried to ask the saleslady but she said it was already the last pair. Pity for me!! I should have my new winter boots already. well, next time again!! Not too bad really because I bought some new winter jackets again!
My husband is also looking a special boots for him. He simply need it for wearing in his work. I don’t know exactly if Wellco Boots are the ones he is looking for. I guess so. My husband is even wearing that leather army shoes when going to work sometimes. Actually he is looking for a waterproof steel toe and oilproof boots. I found some at Copshoes and its sister company Metboots. I have to show this to my husband since these are some sort of special boots. These sites have a lot of assortments anyway, so I guess he can find here the right one for him. What I read about this site is also the great customer service they offer to customers. They even have employees whom you can talk too for any questions or clarifications. They are available Monday to friday from 8:30 till 5:00 CST…don’t hesitate to call them if you need some help. They will be happy to be of service to you!!