Looking for Laptop
I have been browsing for laptop the past days. As what I just mentioned in my previous post that my computer loads very slow, I guess I need to find a replacement immediately before it crashes. I hope not. It is also getting very noisy now. Sorry I forgot to mentioned it in my previous post too. Buying a laptop is not really my priority. I still have to save some money again to buy it. If you visit my other blogs, you might know where my small savings went. Besides that we will be having a trip to Paris next week which also means spending some bucks.
Anyway, I am just starting to shop the cheapest laptop I can find now so that I can set aside some extra money for it. I know I can buy it immediately if I will apply for payday loans but since I don’t have a job, I believed nobody can extend a financial assistance to somebody who is jobless. What do you think guys? I am working at home anyway and I love my job! want to know about it? I might share it next time! Goodnight everyone!