Trivia Time

How old was Dirty Harry?

Clint Eastwood was 41 years old when he debuted in the role of maverick Det. “Dirty” Harry Calahan in the action film Dirty Harry (1971). Reportedly, the part had been turned down by Paul Newman, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, and Frank Sinatra. Eastwood insisted on performing his own action stunts, including the famous scene where he jumped from a bridge to the roof of a moving school bus.

How often was Washington away from America?

George Washington left America’s shores only once to go to Barbados with his ailing half-brother. During his stay there, he was stricken with smallpox.

How well can people see in the dark?

We think we cannot see at night. But given enough time to adjust, the human eye can, for a time, see almost as well as an owl’s. Ultimately, as the amount of light decreases, an owl detects shapes after a human no longer can.

Should you eat your candy quickly or slowly?

You will get fewer cavities if you eat a bag of candy in one sitting and then brush your teeth than if you slowly eat the candy a piece at a time all day.

Why do people file for bankruptcy?

In a 1996 poll, the top reason for filing for bankruptcy, as cited by 29 percent, is that filers are “over-extended.” Only 15 percent of bankruptcy filers cited job problems, and only 17 percent cited health problems. Divorce accounted for 12 percent of filings. Six percent simply said they couldn’t stand bill collectors.

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