Horoscope and I am upset!
For the first time in history since I have been browsing the net, I stumbled at the horoscope page of my yahoo mail. This is what my horoscope is telling me today. I am only quite confused of what all these mean. It’s also because, I am not on my proper mind of thinking at the moment. Some messy things happened and I am quite sad about it. I hope to fix it very very soon. I need some computer experts out there! Help please!
Here is my horoscope for today, Feb. 27, 2011. I am LEO..grrrrrrr! I guess I truly need to sit back and relax to release all the stress that I have now. I am very upset now. I don’t want stress in my life!!! go away please!
Your patience is about to be paid off very soon: Something you have been waiting to see happen is finally going to happen. Someone is going to get their just desserts, and you will be there to watch them eat every single mouthful. There is no need for you to navigate this into happening, even if you spy a convenient little chance to push things along. The momentum has already taken over, and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the show. The curtain is coming up soon.