Ordered LAN cable adaptors from Amazon
That was the time when WIFI is not working and your LAN or Local Area Network cable is no longer enough to plug to your laptop or desktop. I was not happy when it happened last Friday. WIFI did not worked. I have been using the WIFI since a month now. We ordered a new router for our internet at home. I was really happy with that.
Last Friday, I ended up ordering a CAT5e Cable Extender or adapter. Since there are new cables installed at home for our internet and it is not enough to connect in my computer room, I finally decided to order some o these adapters in Amazon in case the WIFI will not function again. It only cost 0.99 Euros plus shipping of 1.75 Euros. The shipping cost more than the items which is quite an irony. Still, I found it very cheap because I bought one in the electronic shop for 9.95 Euros. For almost the same money, I will get 4 of these from A,azon.
I will be happy if I will receive this order from Amazon. If ever WIFI will not work in my computer room, I will just plug the LAN cable and bingo, it will work again. There is another laptop in the bedroom but I prefer working in my little library which is also my computer and working room.
I am thankful that WIFI did finally worked again last Saturday. Cheers and have a great day!
P.S. Below is the message I got from Amazon. This is just a confirmation of my order.
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4 x mumbi Netzwerkkabel Verbinder – Modular Kupplung / Adapter für CAT5e Kabel – Netzwerkverbinder
Zustand: New EUR 0,99
Zwischensumme: EUR 3,96
Verpackung und Versand: EUR 7,00
Endbetrag: EUR 10,96”