Time to Slowly Clean the SD Cards
Vacation is over! I am at best when I am traveling somewhere out there. Sad to say, I am back to reality now and back to work again to save for future travels and some projects at home. There are a lot of things to be done both online and offline and I hope I can slowly accomplish them one at a time. I wish there are 48 hours a day but God knows the best to give us only 24 hours.
There is one thing I need to do before weekend comes. I need to slowly clean and format the SD cards I used in my cameras from my recent travels. I actually started doing it but I am not done it. To make it sure that I have all the images and photographs saved in a secure place, I am not only saving it to an external hard drive but I am also backing it up to another external HD. I wanted to make it sure that all the shots I took are in good hands.
So far, I am done with 3 SD cards and the other 3, I will do it anytime before weekend comes. When everything is saved, I need to clean and format all the cards for the next adventure to come.
How about you guys, where do you save all your photos from your travels?