I Need To Update my Windows XP Software

I guess I really need to update my Windows XP SP2 software to SP3. I am not so sure about this but I am experiencing a lot of problems now. I can’t view my mails/inbox in yahoo. All I see in Entrecard are all black boxes and the worst thing, my computer is running very slow. I new netbook just arrived last week. I ordered it as back-up if ever my obsolete computer will crash. I already tried to use my new netbook and so far, I can view my mails there and can also see all the Entrecard banners in my blogs.

As of this moment this pc is still working but there are just problems that I always encounter like what I just mentioned. Before I update it to SP3, I still need to back-up all my important files and documents to my external hard drive. Hopefully next week! I’ll let you know guys if the outcome is better! Tschuss!

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