Trash and Recycling

I wish all country will do recycling like Germany. I will give you some information about recycling in Germany. It is a must to follow regulations about recycling. One way is to separate trash from plastics and papers or cartoons. In Germany, all papers like newspapers and cartoons need to go to the Blue coloured container which is pick-up once an month. All materials that are made of plastics like plastic bottles, etcetera need to go to the yellow bag which is also pick-up once a month. Trash must be thrown inside the black coloured container. It is pick-up twice a month. I guess, the US also have recycling. As far as I know there are companies that do this service like NJ trash removal. Here in Germany we have to pay every year for all our trash and recycling pick-up. If I am not mistaken, we paid last time around 97 Euros to get stickers. These stickers need to be pasted outside those trash/ recycling containers. Without it there is no way that they will pick-up your trash. I believed this is one way of taking care of our environment! Cheers!

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